dilluns, 23 de maig del 2016


After seeing the recording of the oral presentation I can talk a little bit more about how it went, although I already had an idea before watching it.  

We tried to think an idea to make the presentation original and not an average presentation. The idea that came in our minds was to make it a little bit like theatre, introducing characters and a little story through which we gave out the information we had to include in the presentation. 
After watching the video I realize that maybe we could have worked more on that idea, but in general it turned out well and I'm happy with the result, because it is a way of making the presentation different.

About the images and the format of the presentation we used, I think that it was quite similar to all the other presentation, taking away the fact that we used some pictures to represent the settings of our "little play", although after watching the video I see that maybe that wasn't very clear.

Focusing on the presentation itself, in general I'm happy with the result. There are always things to improve, for example the pronuntation of some words, the volume of the voice, which I think should have been louder in my case, and the nerves. I was a little bit nervous during the presentation basically because I didn't remember to say some of the things and because, since we were conversating between us, if one of us forgot something, it could be bad for the other because she could get confused and don't know what to say. But although we forgot things and we didn't do the presentation 100% the way it was meant to be, something that happens almost in all the presentation, I think it wasn't very noticiable and from the outside it looked like a perfectly normal and good presentation. 

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